The story of The Soap Dragons begins in a dark, dark cave in the Autumn 2020, when She-Dragon (who was yet to learn the way of the dragon at this point) was very poorly during some pandemic or other. Over a long, slow recovery, She-Dragon learnt more and more about the healing and soothing powers of essential oils and aromatherapy. However, the soaps available did not really cut the mustard, and so She-Dragon began making her very own, ensuring each and every one of the bars was jam-packed with natural superpowers.
Mini-Dragon loved what he could smell and see, and so became First Mate to the She-Dragon, and between them, they began refining the bars, developing and improving the formulae. Mini-Dragon suggested sharing them with friends and neighbours near the Dragons’ Lair. The friends and neighbours liked them – a lot. This gave Mini-Dragon an idea, and so SG Soaps Ltd (our parent company) was born.
He-Dragon initially watched on from the sidelines, and was not yet a He-Dragon, just a mere He-Man, enjoying the benefits of the soapy goodness. Then, in a lavender-induced deep sleep, a vision descended – a vision of punk-like puns daubed in pink and yellow: He-Dragon was now part of the team. The Soap Dragons were complete.
From the beginning, The Soap Dragons were (and always will be) committed to producing high quality, sustainable products with a limited carbon footprint, completely vegan and full of natural goodness. Oh, plus a certain sense of fun – cleanliness is next to oddliness in The Soap Dragons’ world.
The Soap Dragons handmake all their soaps in their lairs in Nottingham (Pun’s Not Dead) and Whitby (Resurrection). They are often to be found at craft, artisan and green or vegan markets. Keep an eye on their Facebook page, and go and say hello – they are friendly dragons.